Acupuncture Benefits

Acupuncture treats both acute and chronic problems. It also helps to prevent disease by increasing overall energy and strengthening immunity. The World Health Organization officially recognizes acupuncture as effective for over 100 illnesses, including:







Acupuncture is based on the theory that energy or qi (pronounced “chee”), is the force behind every physiological process in the body. Qi is known as the bioelectrical force of the body. Qi flows through the body in pathways, called meridians, in patterns similar to the nervous and circulatory systems. Chinese Medicine perceives health as abundant and free-flowing energy. Conversely, disease results from blocked or insufficient qi. By stimulating the appropriate points, the acupuncturist regulates the qi. This produces healing reactions such as changes in digestive function, heart rate and blood chemistry.

Each session is approximately 45 – 60 minutes in length. After you have checked in, you are escorted to your room where the acupuncturist assesses your symptoms and progress. She will proceed to follow the ideal treatment protocol by inserting hair-thin needles into various areas of the body. You rest for 25 – 30 minutes to allow the acupuncture to take effect. The needles are removed and, if you like, you receive a few minutes of massage.

The thin, stainless steel needles are designed to be virtually painless. We use only pre-sterilized, disposable needles.

Each person is unique and requires an individualized treatment plan. The length of treatment depends on the type, severity, and duration of the condition. Usually within 5 to 6 treatments the patient experiences significant improvement.

Over 80 insurance companies provide coverage. Benefits depend on the specific policy you have. We will be happy to help you determine your coverage.

The California Board of Medical Quality Assurance has licensed acupuncturists as primary health care providers since 1976. In California, four years of formal training is required to receive a Master’s of Traditional Oriental Medicine (M.T.O.M.). An acupuncturist must pass a state exam to obtain a license (L.Ac.) and take continuing education courses to maintain the license.

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